Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Hacks: Mommy's Hidden Treasures

My daughter's picky eating started pretty much the moment she first started eating solid foods. And with her mobility and vocality. Now she can scream "YUCK", "BLECH", "NO" and run away so definitely have to take this battle uphill.    SO I know there are sneaky mom cookbooks out there and I need to grabs a few copies of each but in the meantime, I discovered a few hidden gems.  Now personally I never had issues like this. I was one of those kids that ate all her vegetables. And I do mean all of them. I loved brussel sprouts. I still do. I cheered when my mother made liver and onions. Now that doesn't happen anymore. But my little lady is a different breed. And while I realize it could be worse, because she loves broccoli and asparagus, I always prepare myself with a little back up to make sure her diet is as well rounded as possible.  SO here are a list of just a few of my favorite meal add-ons to up the health ante. 

1. Bolthouse Farm Green Goodness
This is fruity and sweet you don't realize that you're getting Spirulina, broccoli, Spinach Wheatgrass and even garlic. I'm sure you've seen this in your supermarket and some may have been put off by that funky green color but if you can get past the color it is so yummy and a nice way to get a fruit veggie blend into the kids. There is some green tea so I don't give her too much. But the best way to get around that color for me is to make it a true hidden treasure and put it in a smoothie. Some strawberries and raspberries make it red and you or your kids won't even remember this is in there. 

2. Eden Organic Pasta Vegetable Alphabets

I absolutely love this pasta. I make a tomato soup and add them to the soup for a hearty lunch for my daughter and lately I've enjoyed her delight at recognizing and calling out the letters. This is a 16 oz box and it can last quite a while because a little goes a long way. 1-2 tbsp uncooked will plump out and fill the pot. I usually use no more than 1.5 tbsp. One serving has 4g of fiber and 9 grams of protein that is awesome and perfect for pick eater and the only thing that beats that is that it's all organic!

3. Nutritional Yeast 

Ok so this is some new thing on the market but it is still a great way to sneak some extra nutritional value in your food. I typically add it to tomato based meals for a little cheesy kick or to things made with cheese.  I make my daughter a semi home made pizza. I use a whole wheat gorilla from Nature's Promise as the crust.  Sauce made with Organic tomato paste with a little water, garlic, onion powder, nutritional yeast, salt, basil and oregano then top with parmesan and mozzarella.

4. Vitamin Code Raw Meal 

Ok so this last one is more for mom and dad but it's good for the kids too. Feeling left out of the Raw Food movement? Interested but have not time to commit? Want to try the benefits of Raw food with ease? Realize that a salad barely constitutes raw food? This meal replacement shake is easy, organic raw and delicious. You can add it to snacks and deserts for kids. I just use a small amount for my daughter.

Those are  my four Hidden treasures! They've worked really well for me and I hope they do the same for you!

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